
Eventos en los que está presente TAG Environmental Sustainability

CNCF Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2024

Cloud Native Sustainability Week is a global event where the CNCF community organizes local meetings around the theme of Cloud Native Sustainability. The Cloud Native Sustainability Week will take place at the first week of October 2024.

CNCF Cloud Native Sustainability Week 2023

Cloud Native Sustainability Week is a global event where the CNCF community organizes local meetings around the theme of Cloud Native Sustainability. The Cloud Native Sustainability Week will take place in the second week of October 2023.

Open Source Summit NA 2023

TAG de Sostenibilidad Ambiental en la conferencia principal de la Linux Foundation en Vancouver, Columbia Británica a partir del 10 Mayo del 2023.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023

Presencia de TAG Environmental Sustainability en Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s conferencia emblematica en Chicago, USA del 6-9 de Noviembre, 2023.

Kubecon CloudNativeCon EU 2023

Presencia de TAG Environmental Sustainability en la conferencia principal de la Cloud Native Computing Foundation en Ámsterdam, Países Bajos, del 18 al 21 de abril de 2023.

Última modificación February 9, 2024: feat: Added Traslation by Jefferson Molina (599b3d2)